This development region is the smallest one. The Karnali river flows through the eastern border of this region and the Mahakali as western border. There are Gurans, Saipal and Api mountain peaks in this region. There are Khaptad National Park and Sunklaphanta Wildlife Reserve area in this region. This region receives lower rain fall in summer season and higher rainfall in winter season in comparison to the other regions.
There are some industries such as match, timber and cotton in this region. Tharus are the main inhabitants of the terai area of this region. Their main occupation are animal husbandry, cultivation and fish farming. Rice,millet, barley, maize, wheat, potatoes, oilseeds are mainly grown in this region.
Transportation services, communications, electricity are not sufficient in this region. Mahendranagar, Dhangadi, Dipayal are the main cities in this region.